Spring Plantings
IN THE SPRING OF EACH YEAR, Cedar Grove Cemetery offers gravesite plantings. The plantings consist of a flower bed of geraniums and a combination of border plants. In general, these plantings stay looking nice into the autumn season, and the planting bed sizes are available as 12 by 24 inch or 12 by 36 inch flower beds.
You are welcome to stop by, contact us, or call our office at 617-825-1360 to inquire about Spring Plantings.
Additionally, perhaps your neighbor’s grave needs sprucing up, or you have a favorite monument in the Cemetery that you would like to see decorated with a flower bed. If so, we encourage you to consider our Adopt a Grave program.
We recommend that you order your Spring Planting on or before May 1st.
You may order your Spring Planting by mail using the downloadable order form, or by placing your order online.